October 28, 2012

Chōdenji Machine Voltes V - Stage Five

Finally I've made a certain appearance (or one could say "style") for my Voltes V project starting with Volt Machine 5: Lander (since it's small and less complicated). It took me quite a while to come up with the appearance while retaining it's color scheme based from the old anime. Other than that, I was dealing more than 80 layers just on the Diffuse. The Specular textures, however, aren't as difficult but I had to adjust a lot of levels with regards to hues and opacity, As for the Normal textures, I simply used xNormal. By the way, the texture samples posted in here aren't exactly to scale. The textures I deal with are bigger. Here are the results.


Texture Samples

Turntable Video
 I added the decals just to make the Volt Machines somewhat "militarized". I used to do a lot of scale modeling, and the decals do add a certain flare to make it almost realistic even for a fictional machine (which most likely not get off the ground).

I'm currently re-doing the UVWs of the Frigate's meshes so I can pour more details. Hopefully, it won't take too long compared to the time I spent with the Lander since I already have a set of templates with regards to color schemes and finishes. All I need to do is bake the Ambient Occlusion maps.

That's all for now. I hope you like the work.