August 22, 2011

Chōdenji Machine Voltes V - Stage Three

After putting this personal project on hold for a couple of months, I decided to come back and start doing some textures. For now, I'm just doing basic diffuse textures just to get the feel the direction of my textures if it's tolerable or needs improvement. I initially picked the bomber since it's one of the simplest one in terms of geometry.

Volt Machine 2 (Bomber) first pass geometry done in 3DS MAX
Volt Machine 2 (Bomber) armament developments
Volt Machine 2 (Bomber) landing gears.
Basically, I just let loose and see how the textures turned out. I banked on the old school colors but I also threw in some excessive dirt, stains, and scars like most aircraft that's seen service in war/battle. It turned out pretty much alright but not enough to make an impression. It's not the best texture job, but at least it gives me a general idea of what needs to be addressed and what needs to be improved. The renderer used on the following images below is 3DS MAX's Default Scanline with Area Filter, enabled Global Supersampler using Adaptive Halton.

Volt Machine 2 (Bomber) view of starboard side and bow cockpit
Volt Machine 2 (Bomber) view of port side and stern
Underbelly view of Volt Machine 2 (Bomber)
Volt Machine 2 (Bomber) with landing gears lowered

It doesn't have much to show at the moment. But I am heading towards a good direction of learning from my own mistakes and re-learning how to make better diffuse textures. I think I'll start all over again. The work wasn't really a waste. It was a good experience and now I know what flaws to correct.